
I promised myself that I would add one of these stories here every time I told one. I tell them at one point or another throughout the summer. There will be no chronology - not yet anyway - nor will there be much of a schedule. You never know; I might add a story every day and I might not. This is my life. Every day is an adventure.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring Apace

So spring is working on me and my surroundings, trouble is, thanks to last fall's freezing rain, there's lots, and I mean LOTS of ice on the ground. Snow melts pretty quick in the sun, and the warm temps work on it too, but the ice goes away somewhat slower. I don't really know how thick it is, but in front of our generator shed, it's in a shelf of at least 3 inches now, though it was easily twice that thick while there was still snow there. That spot gets a lot of traffic so it's probably an example of the worst of it. However, every little bit that melts trickles down to low spots where it freezes again. We think the ground is going to remain frozen for some time - maybe half way into the summer months. I'll be sure to let you know. Anyway, water still isn't openly running here, but as of today, I did hear water running under the ice in the little creek where we park our boats, something I didn't hear last time I walked down there.

Speaking of which:

Last time I walked down there, a couple days ago, I saw the biggest moose track I have ever seen. They made me back up and look again just to make sure. Standing right beside the tracks, the moose print, from dewclaw to tip, was less than an inch shorter than my boot. Standing directly on the track, it was also less than an inch narrower than BOTH my boots side-by-side. BIG bull - has to be. Wish I'd seen him, not that he'd have a rack yet this time of year, but still. Big bulls have been by here in the past, but to date, I have yet to see one - just not looking in the right place at the right time.

Anyway, not much happening around here. Just waiting for the seasons to change. Not all that anxious to go to work, but it is what it is. Gotta make a living. Maybe someday my editing will actually pay enough to take over, now that would be nice.
